This was more apparent in the younger demographic (aged below 35), a survey has noted. Reasons include: 20% of plan to rely on their spouse or family members for it, and 61% are confident they will have sufficient funds for it. More details here.
La ex aspirante a la diputación federal por el Distrito V dice que el triunfo del petista se encuentra en duda porque debe ser castigado por el enriquecimiento ilícito que cometió La diputada Vianey García Romero consideró que, tras la aprobación del debate respecto al desafuero de Mauricio Toledo,.
One fifth (22%) of British workers over the age of 50 are bringing forward their retirement plans as a direct result of the pandemic, according to new research from WEALTH at work.
Omul de afaceri Dragoș Săvulescu, condamnat la 5 ani și jumătate de închisoare cu executare în dosarul retrocedărilor ilegale de terenuri din Constanţa şi Mamaia și arestat luni în